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Contains 46 Results:
Georgia O'Keeffe exhibition, 291 Gallery, 1917
A photograph of one O'Keeffe watercolors at Stieglitz's 291 Gallery; grey cloth walls and black skirt under the gallery shelf. Originally housed in a folder labeled in O'Keeffe's handwriting: 2nd Show 291.
Georgia O'Keeffe in Abiquiu Patio, 1980
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), between 1964 and 1968
Close up portrait of two white jimson weed flowers; some of the petal edges are bent forward; partial shadow over pistol and stamen, flower surrounded by dark leaves.
Georgia O'Keeffe, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, 1968
Portrait of O'Keeffe standing in profile in the landscape, in front of an easel with a blank canvas and a rams skull with horns; O'Keeffe is wearing a blue jean jacket with her hair pulled back in a bun.
Georgia O'Keeffe on camelback in Morocco, 1974
Georgia O'Keeffe in Abiquiu bedroom, 1960
Portrait of O'Keeffe dressed in a robe, with an outstretched arm, placing rocks along a ledge in her bedroom; silver Navajo necklace hanging on wall, Japanese paper lamp shade suspended from ceiling, and light bulb clipped to the headboard of O'Keeffe's bed.
Georgia O'Keeffe, 1903
Head shot portrait of Georgia O'Keeffe as a young woman, sixteen years old, quarter length view (head and shoulders); hair pulled back from face wearing a white high neck dress with lace, face looking slightly to the side and down, photograph displayed in original dark green/gray paper oval mount. Handwritten on verso: "Georgia T. O'Keeffe"
Georgia O'Keeffe at Lake George, circa 1908
Georgia O'Keeffe at Lake George, circa 1908
Georgia O'Keeffe, 1903
Head shot portrait of Georgia O'Keeffe as a young woman, sixteen years old, quarter length view (head and shoulders); hair pulled back from face wearing a white high neck dress with lace, face looking slightly to the side and down, photograph displayed in original dark green/gray paper oval mount.