Showing Collections: 1 - 7 of 7
Audiovisual Collection Relating to Georgia O'Keeffe and the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Contains recordings of productions and events that are either related to Georgia O'Keeffe and her contemporaries or the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum dating from 1938 to 2015. Types of productions and events include broadcasts, home recordings, interviews, lectures, and symposia on audio cassettes, microcassettes, VHS tapes, and DVDs.
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. Communications Department Records
Contains photographic materials and clippings related to various Georgia O'Keeffe Museum activities and events dating from 1981 to 2009.
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. Museum Publications. Activities
Contains announcements and programs for various Georgia O'Keeffe Museum activities related to educational programs and administration. Educational programs include individual lectures and lecture series announcements, performance programs and announcements, and various events not specifically related to exhibitions in the museum. Dated from 1997 to 2015.
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. Museum Publications. Exhibitions
Contains announcements, invitations, gallery guides, and brochures produced by the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum and partners regarding exhibitions organized at the museum from 1997 to 2015.
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. Museum Publications. Periodicals
Contains periodicals regularly generated by the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum to inform and educate its members, staff, and the general public. Dated from 1999 to 2015.
Georgia O'Keeffe Museum. Research Center Department Records
Records relate to the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Research Department's history and operations dating from circa 1993 to 2015.
Georgia O'Keeffe Oral History Project
The collection consists of interviews with Georgia O'Keeffe's surviving relatives, colleagues, friends, and employees as well as supporting project documentation. The bulk of the materials date from 2000 to 2003 and include audiocassette recordings, typed transcripts, photographs, and research and project records.